As Democrats, we’re definitely not hypocritical and ignorant. That’s the other side! We maintain integrity and critical thinking.
Just had to get that out there.
Anyway, here’s a series of videos from Twitter that show Ukrainian police, military, civilians, and paramilitary tying other humans to poles and beating the shit out of them for looting or something. It’s important to remember we’re on the Ukrainian side because of “Democracy” like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden said.
Remember the President of Ukraine speaking to Congress and people crying?
Plus, Daddy Biden is tanking our economy and fucking us in the ass at every step to give Ukraine support because “Democracy”. So we’re in too deep, let’s just try to give them the benefit of the doubt as you watch emotionally disturbing acts of savage violence against people for various ‘crimes’ that apparently don’t need court dates.
Keep that in mind before you make judgements against the country that has Neo-Nazi military units.
Wait… a Neo-Nazi military unit?
Sorry, almost committed wrongthink!
Some are critical, saying ISIS also did this and it wasn’t cool then?
Others are saying, what if the US started doing this? Would it still be okay?
But, you know, that’s just racists talking or whatever. It’s fine.
Until CNN denounces this, we’re pretty sure it’s okay! Ukraine has always been noble and fair to its citizens.
Surprisingly, Twitter is now censoring the videos. We’ve left the references below as a reminder of what happens if you break the narrative!
However, all the videos are being hosted at
Anyways, we go:
Thread. Hundreds of civilians have been punished for diverse reasons in Ukraine by paramilitary groups and National guard. Strong footage. Tortures, abuses, humiliation, even of kids and girls.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
We don’t know the actual reasons or for how long they are punished. It is clearly against any human rights conventions. There is no excuse for this.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
Violence and abuses are common. Warning hard footage. Ukrainian civilians also participate in the humiliations and tortures.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
You can hear people laughing and cars honking. All this videos are from Ukrainian Telegram channels where they celebrate the beatings of cowards and traitors.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
Paramilitary units. National guard. Civilians. All take part in the witch hunts.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
The sadism of some of this thugs is incredible. Lol at them all in black… Reminds me to something. Ukrainian Nazis.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
In this video a large group of armed civilians have 5 hostages. You can see how they are been violently abused by the hooded Nazi thugs in Ukraine.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
Left in the cold while people call him names and humiliate him. Why? Who knows. Ukraine.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
I can’t find the video but here is a picture. Young women are víctims of God knows what. Zelensky’s Ukraine.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 19, 2022
More examples. Mind it’s cold in Ukraine and this People is left there to be humiliated and abused by the public.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
A “saboteur” apprehended in a train.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
This is a special case of discrimination. Ukrainian speaking Nationalists force Russian speakers to say a word it’s difficult to pronounce for them to humiliate and bully them. The word sounds like palyanitsa?
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
Found the video of the kid and it’s dad abused and tortured. Shocking footage.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
It’s like from a horror movie. Azov Batallion fighters ( see patch in sec 00:05 ) keep civilians hostages in a house. The footage is chilling.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
Ukraine, abuses and tortures to civilians labelled as “marauders” are widespread all over government controlled areas. Paramilitary, National guard, civilians. All participants of a crime against human rights.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
Ukraine, abuses and tortures to civilians labelled as “marauders” are widespread all over government controlled areas. Paramilitary, National guard, civilians. All participants of a crime against human rights. Men, women and even kids are punished.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
More videos from the terrible situation in the rearguard in Ukraine. Ukrainian population and authorities are un full paranoia mode.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
It seems to be a normal day for nationalists in Ukraine. Abuses against civilians with total impunity.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
People is encouraged by other bystanders to attack and abuse the dissenters labelled as “marauders” in Ukraine government controlled areas.
— Juan Sinmiedo (@Youblacksoul) March 20, 2022
It’s hard to condemn these things considering the US economy is tanking faster as we got involved in this conflict like we do every conflict. It feels like it might be a bad investment and that would be bad optics for the presidency. So to make sure Trump doesn’t win again, we’re fine with lying and you should be, too!