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Monday, April 15, 2024
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton (she/her) resides in Boston with her cat. Jamie graduated college with an English major journalism minor. As journalists, we are never afraid of exposing the truth. We research, write, and report – that’s our job. Your job is to listen and agree.

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We played Hogwarts Legacy so you don’t have to; the ‘tutorial’ is impossible.

Hogwarts Legacy, the highly unanticipated transphobic and misogynistic video game set in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, has been making waves since its announcement. The game is purchasable on February 10th, 2023. Hogwarts Legacy has garnered controversy due to its creator, She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, generating outrage on how wizards cannot become witches.

Using our vast contact network in the corporate scene, we were able to buy the game early to review it, so now you don’t have to! Actually, we bought the game sixteen times. Seven physical copies were purchased from Gamestop, Walmart, and Amazon, and nine digital copies from Steam. The Steam copies were installed and then deleted to keep them from being downloaded again. This way, bigots would have no way to enjoy or support the game.

For our readers, it should be noted that anyone caught playing this game will be banned from our discord server.

The Review

Many players are finding the tutorial impossible to complete, owing to its apparent difficulty. The tasks required to complete the lessons are often overly complicated and require a level of skill that many players simply don’t possess. This is particularly frustrating for new players who are just starting out, as they are unable to progress and are left feeling defeated.

The difficulty of the tutorial is compounded by the lack of feedback and guidance. When players make a mistake, they are not given any indication of what they did wrong, or how to correct it. This leaves them feeling lost and frustrated, and leads to many players giving up on the game altogether. These problems were reinforced by our experience with the tutorial.

Living as this character, finding it impossible to make my way in this strange, mystical world that I do not belong in, I found myself relating to trans people more and more. Like trans people, things that should be simple are made impossible, like completing a tutorial or using the bathroom they identify with. Though this game was made with the intention of further alienating trans people, at least for this reporter, it brought me just a little bit closer to them.

In addition, Zachariah Hoyt aka Asmongold, a popular alt-right Twitch streamer, spent hours in vain trying to beat the tutorial.

Asmongold has garnered success from his apparent lack of hygiene as he sits glued to a computer screen for hours a day, surrounded by mountains of fast food boxes, spewing abhorrent takes regarding common feminist and JLGBT+ issues.

If Asmongold cannot beat the tutorial, how is any normal person supposed to? Hogwarts Legacy could take a hint from The Sims, which recently updated the game for free to add trans-inclusive options. Also, The Sims is easier and way more fun.

Living as this character, finding it impossible to make my way in this strange, mystical world that I do not belong in, I found myself relating to trans people more and more. Like trans people, things that should be simple are made impossible, like completing a tutorial, or using the bathroom they identify with. Though this game was made with the intention of further alienating trans people, at least for this reporter, it brought me just a little bit closer to them.”.

In conclusion, the tutorial in Hogwarts Legacy is a major problem for many players. Its confusing design, difficulty, lack of feedback, and poor optimization make it almost impossible for many players to complete. This is a serious issue, as the tutorial is a crucial part of the game, and it is essential that players are able to complete it in order to fully experience and enjoy the game. Until these issues are addressed, many players will likely continue to struggle with the tutorial, and may even abandon the game altogether, which is fine for us, go play a game that doesn’t literally murder innocent people and doesn’t support bigotry.

Cinch News rates this game -100/10

You can watch our full gameplay playthrough below:


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